New Creation


As it is in heaven,
so on earth.

If anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation;
the old has passed away, behold,
the new has come.

2. Corinthians 5,17


In person and online

How do you disciple other people? Everything from getting to know new people, leading them to Jesus, to multiplication. That’s what this group is all about. There will be targeted input and lots of sharing about your own experiences so that everyone can learn from each other.

Everything from accompanying individuals, to bundling and leading a group, to multiplying groups, to leading a network of groups, to changing an entire region.

Are you looking for a house church? Or would you like to start something new yourself? We are happy to help you on your journey. Either through networking (across Germany and beyond) or through targeted support, so that the community around you grows and becomes visible!


The new creation in Christ

Are you already following Jesus, but longing for more? This course is about how to live every day in the new creation in Christ and in God’s kingdom.

Are you already following Jesus, but longing for more? This course is about how to live every day in the new creation in Christ and in God’s kingdom.

We are happy to offer you and the church you are in (in person or online) seminars, sermons, workshops and any other format about the new creation in Christ.

We are happy to offer you and the church you are in (in person or online) seminars, sermons, workshops and any other format about the new creation in Christ.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Every month we send out an overview of the new articles that have been published. Also, other news and info will be announced about it.

New Creation


On this page you will find various articles on the subject of the new creation or life as a new person through Jesus Christ. The Bible gives us insight into how fantastic the work and ministry of Jesus Christ was and what impact this can have on us today!

Come with us on the journey of discovering a true community of new creation.